Graceful Living


To be the best service provider for seniors to work towards aging becoming a positive and a meaningful experience.
This project look at medical, social, emotional, psychological and social care needs of older adults.

Graceful Living

The proportion of older adults is increasing all over the world. In India, population trends and forecasts undertaken by the Government and several other agencies have pointed out that aging should be one of the most critical concerns for India. This rapidly growing older adult population coupled with increasing life expectancy, improved affordability and evolving family structures across rural and urban India makes it mandatory to organise the fragmented senior ecosystem. Considering that ageing in place is the first option which should be explored for older adults, there are very few services for older adults which could be provided in their own homes. Also, the general perception towards aging is negative. This needs to change.

In order to effectively deal with the above issues, Tulsi Trust started Graceful Living project in 2018. Tulsi Trust established in August 1975 with an aim to provide the basics to the poor and needy. At a deeper level, it’s more than indulging in physical activities for the general good. Health care, Skills development and Education are the top three priorities. Tulsi Trust initiated ‘Graceful Living’ project to promote health care and social well-being of senior citizens.
A venture of this nature is well poised to achieve the aims of the founders of Jaslok Hospital and Tulsi Trust, which is ‘no person should be left unattended, for want of medical care and personal well-being’. The motto of ‘caring capitalism’ is thus carried out to its absolute conclusion.

Graceful Living is specifically for older adults who live on their own (alone) at home as their children are working and living other places in same city or overseas. Very often the other members of the family are out for work or business leaving the seniors alone at home with nothing really to do. In these circumstances there is no social activity for them and this leaves them impaired psychologically and can affect their physical wellbeing as well. Older adults need to be actively involved and their desire to contribute to society becomes crucial to them.

Caring for our seniors is perhaps the greatest responsibility we have. ‘To care for those who once cared for us is one of the highest honours’. -Tia Walker